PI – Julie Teichroeb – BSc, MA, PhD – University of Calgary
Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology
University of Toronto Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4
Office: MW343, Phone: 416-208-8177; Lab: SW223B, 647-601-4492
Email: julie.teichroeb(at)utoronto.ca

Frances Adams – Frances did her MSc in lab on within-unit social networks in Rwenzori colobus and is now a PhD student examing male roles as brokers in interunit communication and coordination in the colobus. frances.adams(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Karyn Anderson – Karyn did her MSc in the lab on infant handling by males in Rwenzori colobus. Karyn is now a PhD student studying whether this behavior evolved as a reproductive strategy used by both males and females to improve their reproductive success. karyn.anderson(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Tamara Kumpan – Tamara did her MSc in the lab on vervet monkey foraging and learning strategies. Tamara is now a PhD student examining the mechanisms of social buffering in ring-tailed lemurs. tamara.kumpan(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Virendra Mathur – Virendra is a PhD student exploring the movement decisions and spatial cognition of Himalayan langurs in an anthropogenic landscape. viren.mathur(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Eve Smeltzer – Eve is a PhD student examining movement initiations in vervet monkeys in an anthropogenic landscape, including leadership, consensus, and conflicts of interest. eve.smeltzer(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Samantha Stead – Sam did her MSc in the lab on the multi-level social organization of Rwenzori colobus. Sam is now a PhD student studying maternal stress in both the colobus and two species of flying squirrels in Ontario. sam.stead(at)mail.utoronto.ca
Ajay Kang – Ajay is a MSc student studying vervet monkey decision-making under the threat of predation. ajay.kang(at)mail.utoronto.ca
Coco Tucker-Gritt – Coco is a MSc student studying indicators of wellbeing in Rwenzori colobus. c.tuckergritt(at)mail.utoronto.ca
Mona Nouri – Mona is an undergraduate student in the lab exploring how competition for fruit plays out in the folivorous Rwenzori colobus. mona.nouri(at)mail.utoronto.ca
Nicole Patacsil Tesoy – Nicole is an undergraduate student in the lab examining the function behind ring-tailed lemur sunbathing behaviour at the Toronto Zoo. nicole.patacsiltesoy(at)mail.utoronto.ca
Lab Alumni
T. Jean Arseneau-Robar, Postdoc – The impact of sociality on decision-making in primates. (Now a government scientist with the province of Nova Scotia) Website: https://jeanarseneaurobar.com/
Pengzhen Huang, Postdoc – Higher order movement dynamics in a Rwenzori colobus multilevel society. (Now an Assistant Professor at Hainan University.) maiqi1317(at)163.com
Keren Klass, PhD – Black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) demography and behaviour in unprotected forest fragments around Palenque National Park, Mexico. (Now a postdoc in the lab of Gili Greenbaum, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, https://giligreenbaum.wordpress.com/)
Erica Fowler, MSc – Subordinates settle: Route choice depends on competition experienced in a foraging experiment with vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). (Pursing PhD options)
Florence Landry, MSc – Male and female strategies during interunit interactions in the Rwenzori Angolan colobus (Colobus angolensis ruwenzorii) multi-level society at Nabugabo, Uganda. (Pursuing a PhD with Iulia Badescu at the University of Montreal)
Mingfei Li, MSc – Influence of age, sex, and dominance rank on intragroup spatial position, foraging strategies and feeding success in wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). (Pursuing a PhD with David Samson at the University of Toronto)
Samuel Poirier-Poulin, MSc – Cataloging the vocal repertoire of an African colobine, Colobus angolensis ruwenzorii. (Pursuing a PhD in game studies at Universite de Montreal)
Eric Vasey, MSc – Causal cognition and competition in wild eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) when exposed to a causally clear task. (Pursuing a PhD in primate cognition at St. Andrews)
Undergraduate Theses Students: Hafsa Ishaque, Hossein Ghorbani, Megan Joyce, Kian Fallah, Isabel Martins, Evan Turner, Aleena Khwaja, Eric Vasey, Frances Adams, Koda MacLellan, Amtul Changasi, Lucas Findlay, Shallu Prasher